Mike Mason

creating media for the glass community

  • 145 members
  • 205 posts

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OG Supporter
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Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

For those who contributed as Glass Central Station began.

Most popular
 / month
Your ticket to fresh fire from the hottest glass events, technique demonstrations and more.  Also includes a 10% store discount w/ code PATREON. 
Sticker Pack Subscription
 / month
Like stickers?  Get a fresh pack every other month with tons of glassy slaps and extras of the newest so you can share with friends (or hoard.)  Includes TorchPass and all other Patreon benefits.
Hunger Fund Subscription (USA Only)
 / month

Limited (9 remaining)

Glassy goodness to your door.  Packs are delivered every other month and include tons of stickers, a color sample and multiple pieces of high quality prep (eye murrine, honeycomb cane, etc.)  Includes TorchPass and all other Patreon benefits.   An exceptional value that helps people in need.  Due to a dramatic increase in international shipping rates, these packs are only for homies in the United States.

Hunger Fund Subscription (Europe)
 / month
Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

This tier is discontinued after November due to a drastic increase in international shipping rates.  Please do not sign up if you see a slot open. Glassy goodness to your door.  Packs are delivered every other month and include tons of stickers, color samples and multiple pieces of high quality prep (eye murrine, honeycomb cane, etc.)  Includes TorchPass and all other Patreon benefits.   An exceptional value that helps people in need. 

Business Sponsor
 / month

Limited (1 remaining)

Your logo will be presented with just 2 other companies in the intro/outro segments of broadcasts & uploads.  Business Sponsor logos are displayed in popups every 15 minutes throughout content, unobtrusive while continually reminding viewers of your support who may have missed or skipped the intro & outro segments.
Major Sponsor
 / month
Have your business presented individually with animation during the beginning & end of broadcasts and uploads.  Major Sponsor logos are featured every 15 minutes with a corner pop up that stays on screen twice as long as the Business Sponsor level.  Your support will also be acknowledged in video descriptions with a link to your website.

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Mike Mason

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